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তালমা তীরের দুর্গনগরী

Posted April 21st, 2012 by |

তালমা তীরের দুর্গনগরী খন্দকার মাহমুদুল হাসান সাপ্তাহিক ২০০০   পঞ্চগড় শহর ছাড়িয়ে পা রাখলাম উত্তরের পথে। গন্তব্য ভিতরগড়। দুপাশে সবুজের সমারোহ। সরু রাস্তা। গাড়িঘোড়ার চলাচল কম। জনকোলাহল তো নেই বললেই চলে। উত্তর-পূর্ব দিকে প্রায় ১৬ কিলোমিটার নির্জন পথ অতিক্রম করে ঢুকে গেলাম ভিতরগড়ের সীমানায়। ডানে ঘুমিয়ে আছে ভিতরগড়ের দুর্গনগরী, আর বাঁয়ে বয়ে চলেছে শান্ত নদী তালমা। […]

স্মৃতির মিরগড়

Posted April 11th, 2012 by |

স্মৃতির মিরগড় খন্দকার মাহমুদুল হাসান জেলা শহর পঞ্চগড়ের কেন্দ্রভাগে ঢোকার মুখেই মস্ত এক সড়কসেতু। করতোয়া নদীর ওপরে নির্মিত এই সেতু পার হয়ে লোকজনকে জিজ্ঞেস করলাম, মিরগড় কোথায়, কোনদিকে? বেশ সহযোগিতাও পেলাম। শান্তস্নিগ্ধ প্রকৃতিকে সাথী করে বেশ সহজেই পৌঁছে গেলাম মিরগড় বাজারে। যেহেতু শহর থেকে মাত্র তিন কিলোমিটার দূরেই এর অবস্থান এবং রাস্তা পাকা, তাই পঞ্চগড় […]

Two sides of Brand Bangladesh

Posted April 11th, 2012 by |

Like the Greek god Janus Bangladesh as a brand name to outsiders reveals two sides. But unlike the Greek god’s image the two sides in brand Bangladesh are not alike. Far from being a simulacrum of each other they are in stark contrast. Take the most recent example publicised in print an electronic media prominently […]

On benefits of infrastructure

Posted April 11th, 2012 by |
no imahe

The main benefits of infrastructure come from marketing of inputs and outputs. Market orientation has increased over time more in villages with developed (good roads) rather than underdeveloped roads. For example — as shown by a survey of households spreading over 62 villages, the share of marketed paddy in 1988 was 44 per cent in […]

Where from will Bangladesh source coal for power generation?

Posted April 4th, 2012 by |

Energy consumption in the world has been stepped up from traditional coal to oil and then to natural gas and nuclear. As per the BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2011, the coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear energy respectively contributed to 27, 30.6, 21.7 and 4.9 per cent to global energy. However, the world […]

Looming carbon emission limit speeds up coal use in the fast developing Asia

Posted April 1st, 2012 by |
no imahe

Looming carbon emission limit speeds up coal use in the fast developing Asia Mushfiqur Rahman 1.04.2012 The US President imposed first-ever restrictions on greenhouse gas pollution from new coal-fired power plants on March 27, 2012. As a result, the new power plants will have to limit their greenhouse gas emissions (mainly carbon dioxide) within maximum […]

Two sides of Brand Bangladesh

Posted March 28th, 2012 by |
no imahe

Two sides of Brand Bangladesh  Hasnat Abdul Hye 28.03.2012 Like the Greek god Janus Bangladesh as a brand name to outsiders reveals two sides. But unlike the Greek god’s image the two sides in brand Bangladesh are not alike. Far from being a simulacrum of each other they are in stark contrast. Take the most […]

On benefits of infrastructure

Posted March 28th, 2012 by |
no imahe

The main benefits of infrastructure come from marketing of inputs and outputs. Market orientation has increased over time more in villages with developed (good roads) rather than underdeveloped roads. For example — as shown by a survey of households spreading over 62 villages, the share of marketed paddy in 1988 was 44 per cent in […]

Why not mine our own coal?

Posted March 19th, 2012 by |
no imahe

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in a recent speech on the occasion of the inauguration of the annual convention of the Institute of Engineers of Bangladesh declared her government’s changed vision that the substantial reserve of high heating value, low ash, bituminous coal resource will be preserved for the future generations. This statement is a clear […]

It’s time to take ‘unpopular’ decisions on domestic coal development

Posted March 17th, 2012 by |
no imahe

It’s time to take ‘unpopular’ decisions on domestic coal development FE, 17th. March 2012  Mushfiqur Rahman Finance Minister A.M.A. Muhith has hinted at further hike in power and fuel oil prices in the coming days. Unabated price hike of oil and food in the international market created some unexpected risks for the economy, stated the […]