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Posted October 12th, 2013 by |
no imahe

BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Faridpur, Dinajpur, Kushtia top list United News of Bangladesh . Dhaka 2 August 2010 Faridpur, Dinajpur and Kushtia are the top ranking districts that performed well in terms of business environment, according to a survey.    The survey, Bangladesh Economic Governance Index – 2010, was circulated at a function at Sonargaon Hotel Sunday.    The […]

Branding educational institutions in Bangladesh

Posted October 12th, 2013 by |
no imahe

between the lines Branding educational institutions in Bangladesh Mamun Rashid 19.07.2011 The Financial Express I was quite intrigued, when a niece of mine studying at Dhaka University’s prestigious business school, IBA (Institute of Business Administration) told me the other day that she expected the business school of North South University to over take IBA within […]

BR’s low-cost transportation can reduce vegetable price in Dhaka

Posted October 12th, 2013 by |
no imahe

BR’s low-cost transportation can reduce vegetable price in Dhaka 11.09.2011 Courtesy The Financial Express            RANGPUR, Sept 10 (BSS): Low-cost carrying of vegetables by intercity trains with two luggage vans in each from the northern districts to the capital since February, has been gradually becoming popular to arrest price spirals in the capital city in recent […]

On benefits of infrastructure

Posted October 12th, 2013 by |
no imahe

On benefits of infrastructure 28.03.2012 The Financial Express  Abdul Bayes The main benefits of infrastructure come from marketing of inputs and outputs. Market orientation has increased over time more in villages with developed (good roads) rather than underdeveloped roads. For example — as shown by a survey of households spreading over 62 villages, the share […]

Barriers to SME growth: The non-financial dimensions

Posted October 12th, 2013 by |

Momtaz Uddin Ahmed 25.05.2011 – The Financial Express Discussions on the constraints to small and medium enterprise (SME) growth generally highlight their financially-related predicaments. This is for the valid reason that restricted SME access to sources of capital and credit is the most severe operational constraint facing these enterprises. However, at the same time, it […]

বরেন্দ্রভূমি – সেচ সঙ্কট

Posted October 12th, 2013 by |
no imahe

সেচ সঙ্কটে বরেন্দ্রভূমি এবনে গোলাম সামাদ প্রাচীনকালে এদেশের রাজারা রাজ্য শাসন করার জন্য তাদের রাজত্বকে কতগুলো ভাগে বিভক্ত করতেন। সবচেয়ে বড় ভাগকে বলা হতো ভুক্কি। প্রতিটি ভুক্কিকে ভাগ করা হতো কতগুলো বিষয়ে। বিষয়কে ভাগ করা হতো কতগুলো মণ্ডলে। মণ্ডলকে কতগুলো বীথি ও বীথিকে ভাগ করা হতো গ্রামে। প্রাচীনযুগে বরেন্দ্র বলতে একটি বিশেষ মণ্ডলকে বোঝাতো। এই […]

Bangladesh’s resource base

Posted October 12th, 2013 by |
no imahe

 Bangladesh’s resource base  Abdul Bayes 18th. July 2012 The Financial Express Mahabub Hossain, an eminent economist of the country, provides a succinct summary of the resource base of the country which can, at times, be paraphrased and presented before the readers. Land, the most important natural resource for production, is extremely scarce in Bangladesh and […]

Alternative energy – The methane option

Posted October 12th, 2013 by |

 Alternative energy: The methane option S A Mansoor 06.03.2012- The Financial Express Except for a mine-mouth coal-fired steam power plant, all our plants are run on natural gas and imported liquid fuel. With gradual shortage of natural gas, and financial and logistic limitations, timely and adequate liquid fuel is not available. We are now facing […]

Tetulia oil mine is sealed forever

Posted October 12th, 2013 by |
no imahe

https://www.thefinancialexpress-bd.com/2009/01/04/55038.html PANCHAGARH, Jan 3: The people of Tirnaihat union parishad under Tentulia Upazila demanded starting of exploration work in the abandoned oil mine at Shalbahan in Panchagarh district. In 1972 the oil well of Tentulia Shalbahan was sealed mysteriously though there was almost 80 per cent possibility to get oil from the mine. Talking with […]

দিনাজপুরের ইতিহাস

Posted October 12th, 2013 by |
no imahe

w`bvRcy‡ii BwZnvm (cÖvPxbKvj †_‡K 1971) W. gvmy`yj nK cÖvPxb cyivf‚wg Ôcyʪea©bÕ I Ôe‡i›`ªf‚wgÕi ˆewkó¨gwÊZ w`bvRcyi evsjv‡`‡ki DËi-cwð‡gi me©‡kl †Rjv| 1947 mv‡j †`k wefv‡Mi c~‡e© e„nËi w`bvRcyi †Rjvi AvqZb wQj 3,948 eM©gvBj| 1984 mv‡j bZzb cÖkvmwbK web¨v‡mi d‡j w`bvRcyi AÂj wZbwU †Rjvq iƒcvšÍwiZ nq: w`bvRcyi, VvKziMuvI I cÂMo| ALÊ GB †Rjvi eZ©gvb RbmsL¨v 40 j‡ÿi AwaK| […]