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 7 Surprising Tips about Leadership from the First Revelation of the Quran

Mohammed Faris


“I don’t think I’m ready for an executive leadership role,” the 42-year-old coaching client said to me on the phone.

Have you ever been in a position where you’ve been asked to lead a team, an organization, or a company, and your instinctive reaction is that you’re not ready for it? If you have, then this story from the Islamic tradition might help ease your distress: it is the story of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) when he received the first revelation of the Quran.

On a clear night in 610 AD, deep in the mountains of Mecca, the Prophet was alone in the cave of Hira, when an angel appeared before him and squeezed him three times till he could barely breathe. The angel then told him to recite the first verses of the Quran and told him that he’s now the messenger of God.

Shocked and scared, the Prophet went to his home shivering saying, “Cover me, cover me!” His wife, Khadija, comforted and listened to him, then she shared some powerful words of support reminding the Prophet that his was an excellent character and that nothing evil would befall him.

Khadija took him to her cousin Waraqa Bin Nawfal, who was a knowledgeable scholar. and the Prophet told him what had happened, and Waraqa reassured him that he was indeed the messenger of God, but he would face difficulties from his people in the years to come.

There are several lessons from this story for the newly appointed leader who is nervous about their new role:

  1. It’s OK to Feel Fear: The fact that you feel worried, concerned, and even distressed about your new role is a good sign! This type of stress is called eustress, or good stress because it provides you with enough productive discomfort to grow and stretch yourself.
  2. You Need Family Support: The first person the Prophet turned to after the encounter in the mountains was his loving wife, Khadija. This is a powerful reminder of the role that family plays in supporting your growth. Talk to your family about your new role, what it means for you and them, and what support you need from them to be successful.
  3. Remember Your Strengths: Khadija reminded the Prophet of his character strengths and all the good qualities he needed to grow into this role. You were selected for the leadership position because someone or some people saw something in you that they believed made you right for it. You need to look in the mirror and remind yourself what those ingredients are.
  4. Seek Expert Advice: Meet people who understand what this role entails and ask for their advice, just as the Prophet and Khadijah sought the advice of Waraqa Bin Nawfal in Mecca.
  5. Get a Mentor: The Prophet was blessed with angel Jibreel (Gabriel) as a mentor to teach him the Quran and how to pray. Get a mentor for your role, perhaps even an executive coach. Let them give you the support you need as well as challenge you to grow into your new role.
  6. Get up and Pray: One of the first verses in the Quran that was revealed after the first encounter with Angel Jibreel (Gabriel) was “O you who wraps himself [in clothing], Arise [to pray]”. When you know that you’re in over your head with responsibilities, seek divine assistance, and let your spiritual self-grow along with your professional self.
  7. Take Your Time: Don’t expect to be the perfect leader from day one. You need time to practice a new set of skills and grow into your role. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) took three years before he publicly announced to his people that he was the messenger of God and they should follow him; he spent all that time contacting people in secret and building a network of support.

Back to the 42-year-old coaching client on the phone who told me he wasn’t ready. After an hour of coaching, he realized that it was okay to feel uncomfortable and that it shouldn’t stop him from at least exploring the role and seeking professional help to succeed in that role. He had it all in him, just like you do.

Mohammed Faris is an international coach, author, and speaker who helps professionals and entrepreneurs live the best versions of themselves spiritually, physically and socially. He’s the founder of ProductiveMuslim.com and author of The Productive Muslim: Where Faith Meets Productivity.

This article first appeared on mySalaam.com. All rights reserved. Original Link: https://www.mysalaam.com/en/story/think-youre-not-ready-to-be-a-leader-these-tips-can-help/SALAAM15012018055745

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5 Big Mistakes Young Entrepreneurs Just Keep Making https://gdinajpurbd.com/5-big-mistakes-young-entrepreneurs-just-keep-making/ Tue, 21 Nov 2017 18:09:19 +0000 https://gdinajpurbd.com/?p=658 5 Big Mistakes Young Entrepreneurs Just Keep Making The allure of being your own boss is strong, but the reality of running a high-growth startup is that the company is your boss.   Deep Patel • Contributor   The world we live in has glamorized the idea of starting one’s own business, to the point […]

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5 Big Mistakes Young Entrepreneurs Just Keep Making

The allure of being your own boss is strong, but the reality of running a high-growth startup is that the company is your boss.


Deep Patel • Contributor


The world we live in has glamorized the idea of starting one’s own business, to the point that children now dream of becoming celebrity entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg. As a result, engineers, designers and marketers are diving headfirst into the world of entrepreneurship from a young age.

While young founders have all the poise and promise needed to start a company, there are some experiences and information you simply cannot replace with hustle. First-time founders often have to spend a great deal of time overcoming their naivety, as they overestimate their likelihood of success while underestimating the amount of work ahead of them.

Here are five lessons I’ve learned from building my own company at 18, including what you should avoid doing as a young entrepreneur:

1. Losing focus.

One of the hardest parts about building a business is identifying where and how to invest your team’s scarce resources (time, money and talent). It can be easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of different channels you have at your disposal. Making a decision and sticking to it can be challenging.

Without a clear objective, founders can inadvertently drift away from their initial company vision. First-time entrepreneurs often become distracted by flashy ideas, whether they come from inside or outside the company. Mature entrepreneurs, however, learn to say no to 99 percent of ideas that are likely to steer their team off course. Overworking your employees by chasing too many opportunities and spreading your resources too thinly is a recipe for disaster.

As the founder, you are the filter responsible for blocking out all of the noise from the outside world that could take your team off course. Many opportunities will inevitably come up that look promising in the short run, but that can damage your long-term ceiling.

2. Raising too much capital.

As a wide-eyed first-time founder, it can be easy to say yes to any investor (or wannabe angel) who offers you a large, enticing check for a portion of your fledgling business. Raising capital, when it is easily available, generally feels like the right thing to do. And it makes sense intuitively: additional funds can translate to more growth and opportunity for your company. But, the reality is that raising money at the wrong time or from the wrong people can do serious damage to your company’s long-term value ceiling.

Finding the right group of venture capitalists to raise from is arguably just as important as the size of the check and the specific terms of the deal. Loud, poisonous investors can erode your company’s culture, terrorize board meetings and take your team in the wrong direction.

Saturating your cap table with “negative-value” investors will hurt your chances of raising funds down the road. No one wants to work in a toxic environment. However, working with competent venture capitalists can be incredibly valuable, as they are able to provide access to mentorship and share years of learnings and observations.

Timing is important, too. Fundraising when your company is still trying to find product market fit can give your team false validation. At the end of the day, what is important is that you are building a product that solves real user pain points, not one that does what the investors think it should do. Detaching your ego from your choices can help you make clearer decisions on the best time and place to raise money.

 3. Dealing with imperfection.

Startups often beat out incumbent players because they are able to ideate and iterate more quickly. Because of this, founders must learn to be comfortable shipping products that they know are imperfect. While makers tend to be product and design perfectionists at heart, shipping an unfinished product for the sole sake of testing an assumption is one of the best ways to accelerate learnings.

At a high level, this is the core philosophy behind the “lean startup model” now implemented by thousands of entrepreneurs across the globe.

Startups that subscribe to “lean sprints” apply the concept by quickly shipping minimum viable products (also known as MVPs). An MVP, according to its inventor Eric Ries, is “that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least input of effort.” Unlike big enterprises, startups can fail often and cyclically test ideas to learn about their customers more quickly.

4. Trying to do everything alone.

Many first-time founders fail to realize that starting a company is not a single-player game. To be successful, you must learn how to be a leader and empower others to help you achieve your company’s mission.

Instead of trying to be a jack of all trades, invest in a great team that will scale as your business grows. You can try to diversify your talent pool by employing people who can do jobs you cannot. Your early hires will shape your team’s culture for years to come, and will be influential in determining the fate of your business.

Young entrepreneurs, who may be used to coming up with projects on their own, tend to be micromanagers. Micromanagers ruin their team’s chemistry when they step over boundaries, frustrate workflows and over-exercise their powerful position. As a founder, you need to find a balance between paying attention to small details and giving your employees the autonomy they need to feel important and be responsible.

5. Impatience.

Reaching any level of success in the business world takes a degree of luck and, more controllably, lots of hard work. There are no shortcuts you can leverage to accelerate past the years of hustle, failure and persistence that are usually necessary if an entrepreneur wants to be successful. In a world marked by immense competition and market challenges, the only way to differentiate is to outwork the rest of the players in the space.

Some people start a company for the allure of being their own boss and setting their own hours. While this may be true for a stable company, the reality of running a high-growth startup is that the company is really your boss. You are at the mercy of the company’s needs. Whether that is a two a.m., Friday-night fire you have to put out or dealing with a customer complaint, you have to be there for your team whenever necessary. Be prepared for a long journey, because the overnight success story is a myth made up by “wantrapreneurs.”

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4 Habits of Highly Successful Business People https://gdinajpurbd.com/4-habits-of-highly-successful-business-people/ Sun, 17 Sep 2017 10:03:19 +0000 https://gdinajpurbd.com/?p=653                           4 Habits of Highly Successful Business People                                                                       […]

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                          4 Habits of Highly Successful Business People

                                                                                     EntrepreneurTimothy Sykes · Sep 13, 2017

Successful entrepreneurs and business people are found in every trade and dominate many different industries. But if you take those differences away you will soon discover that all these business people have a few things in common. By understanding the way they work you can apply those lessons to your own life.

1. Focus on learning, not profits.

I agree that profits are what we all want, but it should never be the focus. Becoming obsessed with profits is one thing, but if you don’t know how to get there you’re never going to acquire any success. The answer is in learning because this is how you acquire the tools needed to reach your goals.

I take some time away every day to learn something new. I don’t worry if I’ll reaching my financial goals because the lessons I’ve learned have laid the foundation.

Related: 3 Lessons About Mental Toughness You Can Learn From Yoda

2. Become a master saver.

Cash flow is the number one reason businesses fail. It’s nerve-wracking when, in the past, I’ve needed to pay for something only to have it nearly drain my whole bank account. It was after that I realized I needed to build up substantial cash reserves and maintain those cash reserves.

After you have that first big success, don’t be tempted to just blow it all. Keep a portion of your income back so you can insert it back into your business to promote further growth.

Related: 14 Ways to Save Money When Starting or Growing a Business

3. Be a good listener.

It’s easy to get carried away in your own hype. If you close your ears you’re missing important lessons and crucial allies. In my article where I describe what a good stock trader is, I mention that one of my students credits his success to listening to me and a variety of other mentors.

That’s why I say be a good listener and actively seek out those who know more than you. Find a mentor who can educate you. Soak it all up like a sponge and remember every word.

Related: 6 Ways to Show People You’re Really Listening

4. Network as much as possible.

I’m a firm believer that natural talent and knowledge can only take you so far. Ultimately, the way to be successful in business is to know the right people. You may meet someone who can introduce you to a potential client. You may meet someone who turns out to be a supplier. I have unlocked doors that I could never do without someone else’s help. And the only way to meet those people is to put yourself out there both online and offline.

Use social media platforms, like LinkedIn, to link up with new faces and reconnect with old ones. Keep the most important relationships strong and they can be a big help to you in business.

Last word: Becoming a success in business.

These four lessons demonstrate how to be successful in any industry. Yes, there are other important factors, but ultimately these are the four principles that I believe make a good businessperson.

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Don’t Follow Your Passion: 4 Reasons Why Making a Business Out of Something You Love Is a Mistake https://gdinajpurbd.com/dont-follow-your-passion-4-reasons-why-making-a-business-out-of-something-you-love-is-a-mistake/ Thu, 14 Sep 2017 13:29:56 +0000 https://gdinajpurbd.com/?p=650 Don’t Follow Your Passion: 4 Reasons Why Making a Business Out of Something You Love Is a Mistake EntrepreneurCarol Roth · Aug 21, 2017 I may not be the world’s most romantic person, but I am definitely realistic. And in the realm of business, a healthy dose of realism is helpful, especially when the majority of businesses fail. […]

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Don’t Follow Your Passion: 4 Reasons Why Making a Business Out of Something You Love Is a Mistake

EntrepreneurCarol Roth · Aug 21, 2017

I may not be the world’s most romantic person, but I am definitely realistic. And in the realm of business, a healthy dose of realism is helpful, especially when the majority of businesses fail.

This means that I have to spend a lot of time countering the idea that you should follow your passion into business. Here are four reasons why you should not let your passion lead you into business ownership.

1. You’ll do less of what you love to do.

If you love to bake, you should open a bakery! If you love kids, you should open a nursery school! Everyone thinks that if you love to do something, by opening a business, you’ll get to do more of it. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

The reality is that when you open a business, you have to run the business. In doing so, you have to do and oversee many functions from marketing to accounting to handling employees to dealing with customer service and more.

So, the hard truth is, at the end of the day, you actually spend less time doing whatever it is you enjoy doing, whether it’s baking, spending time with children or otherwise.

Your responsibility as an entrepreneur is not to do one task — it’s to run a business. If you are excited about wearing multiple hats and want to tackle the challenge of managing all aspects of an operation, and you think you’ve got the chops to do it, you’re headed in the right direction. But, your passion can lead you astray if you think that you will be spending your time focused on that one particular passion.

2. Passion doesn’t pay the bills.

No matter how passionate you are about a product, service, idea or otherwise, it doesn’t pay your bills and you can’t use it as a currency to buy things.

No amount of following your passion helps you to hire great employees. Passion doesn’t necessarily translate into finding customers. Passion doesn’t create systems to streamline your operations.

While you need to have a passion about the business to do those things, don’t think that relying on passion alone will get them done.

3. You can extinguish the flame.

Passions are great because they are whimsical and fantastical. They add to your life and help make it complete.

But, nothing can extinguish the flame of passion faster than having to earn a living from that passion.

If you have something that you do to relieve stress or add joy to your life, do you want to have it pay for the food on your family’s table or pay your mortgage? Once you do that, it changes the entire nature of your relationship. Sometimes, work can be fun, but it’s called “work” t for a reason. Plus, we need time to relax and to create balance in our life.

Passions are magical, but businesses are not. Do you remember when Dorothy and the gang peered behind the curtain to find out that the Wizard of Oz wasn’t an all-powerful being, but rather, kind of a loser? Or, when you found out that Santa Claus wasn’t real? Or, when you figured out that your parents weren’t superheroes, just people with flaws?

It sucked, right? Our hobbies are about escapism. There is a bit of magic and fantasy in them. When you make that your business, you are privy to the nuts and bolts. That tempers the magic.

4. Successful businesses aren’t about you — or your passion!

The most successful businesses happen when there’s an unmet need in the market — some problem that needs to be solved — and someone with the right set of experience, network and strategy tries to solve it at the right time.

Businesses are borne out of a market need. It doesn’t start with you.

We have more products and services available to us than we would ever want or need, which makes today’s entrepreneurial landscape very different than it was just 50 years ago. If there is a gap in the market that customers are desperate for a solution to and willing to pay for, that’s a darn good reason to start a business.

Following your passion is exactly the opposite. It’s about indulging your wants and needs to make you feel fulfilled.

If you want fulfillment, you may be better off with a hobby or a job than opening a business.

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8 Online Careers You Can Start Today From Home https://gdinajpurbd.com/8-online-careers-you-can-start-today-from-home/ Thu, 10 Aug 2017 06:47:08 +0000 https://gdinajpurbd.com/?p=646                                                                                8 Online Careers You Can Start Today From Home EntrepreneurJonathan Long · Aug 7, 2017 Want to start […]

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                                                                               8 Online Careers You Can Start Today From Home

EntrepreneurJonathan Long · Aug 7, 2017

Want to start a business and avoid having to lease commercial space and take out massive business loans? Well, thanks to the internet, there are several online businesses that you can start with very little to no money.

In order to help you find the right opportunity for yourself, I spoke with eight successful entrepreneurs, asking them to provide me with their best home-based business idea. Use these suggestions to find an online business opportunity that interests you.

1. Blogger.

“If you are very passionate about a particular topic or subject, start a blog. There are several ways you can monetize it if you build a loyal audience, and the only way to accomplish this is by truly understanding the subject matter. When you combine passion and knowledge, you position yourself as an expert on the subject, attracting loyal readers. From there, you can monetize through advertisements or by selling your own products or service.” — Andrea Anaya, Founder of Boom Seminars

Related: 8 Reasons a Powerful Personal Brand Will Make You Successful

2. Social media consultant.

“Social media has become such a viable outlet to attract new customers and promote your business, requiring more full-time attention than it did in the past. I see several older companies that haven’t quite yet grasped the concept, proving there is a large demand for social media savvy experts to come in and take the reins. For Millennials especially, a social media marketing consultant is an online home business that has the potential to be fun as well as financially rewarding.” — Evan Haines, Co-Founder of Alo House Recovery Centers

3. Search engine optimization (SEO) consultant.

“As a small business owner who understands the importance of organic website traffic, there are two things I can tell you about search engine optimization. First, most small business owners are already spread very thin handling multiple responsibilities, so there isn’t time to spend on SEO. Second, there are far more bad SEO companies out there than good ones. If you have the knowledge and skills, there are endless customers available.” — Mark Mason, CEO of Breckinridge Heating and Cooling

4. Website designer and developer.

“As more entrepreneurs are starting online businesses, there is an increased demand for freelance website designers and developers who are capable of delivering attractive and functional websites at a lower price point than offered by larger agencies. If I could offer one piece of advice for those interested in pursuing this, it would be to build a couple websites for local businesses for free. This gives you a portfolio that you can use to sign new clients, and local raving fans of your work will provide priceless word-of-mouth advertising for you.” — Maxinder Soni, CEO of Zooomr

Related: How to Start a Business With (Almost) No Money

5. Affiliate marketer.

Affiliate marketing is an online career that has unlimited scaling potential. You will need to find an offer and traffic source that converts, but once you have a winning combination, it’s easy to scale your efforts. With e-commerce giants like Amazon implementing affiliate programs, it isn’t long before even more traditional industries like ours begin to roll out programs that award online promoters and marketers. With a steep learning curve, this is a path that is best taken by someone with some testing and development capital available.” — Ryan Hulland, President of Netfloor USA

6. Freelancer content writer.

“As content marketing evolves, the demand for quality writers has skyrocketed along with their fees, and I see that demand continuing to increase over the next several years. If you have excellent writing skills, matched with a full understanding of grammar and the different types of content businesses utilize, then a very rewarding career can be started with literally a laptop and internet connection. You can begin to source clients immediately through various freelancer marketplaces.” — Kris Lippi, Owner of Get LISTED Realty

7. Virtual assistant.

“Thanks to the internet, business has shifted from 9 to 5 Monday through Friday to 24/7, 365 days a year. Simply put, businesses need more help these days, and many are turning to virtual assistants to help their businesses flourish. It’s quite possible to work full-time for one business owner, spread your availability across several businesses or work on a limited part-time schedule. There’s no shortage of companies looking to hire VAs, and it’s a career you can start with little to no startup costs.” — Johnny Carpet of Dallas Flooring Warehouse

Related: Habits of the World’s Wealthiest People (Infographic)

8. Drop shipping reseller.

“One of the most popular e-commerce trends is to build a drop shipping business. If you do it right, it can be a viable source of income that can grow along with your efforts, including larger product lines and multiple stores. You can get up and running thanks to options like Shopify, giving you access to pre-built e-commerce themes designed to provide pleasant user experiences on all types of devices and easy to manage on the back end.” — Jake Braun, Co-Founder of Kapok Marketing

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8 Essential Personal Characteristics to Leading Your Business to Success https://gdinajpurbd.com/8-essential-personal-characteristics-to-leading-your-business-to-success/ Sun, 02 Jul 2017 12:52:06 +0000 https://gdinajpurbd.com/?p=641 8 Essential Personal Characteristics to Leading Your Business to Success Entrepreneur Mile Kappel. June 30, 2017  People always want to know what makes a good leader. It’s normally because they’re trying to become a leader, or they’re trying to find a leader to work for their company. Some people are naturally good leaders. Other people […]

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8 Essential Personal Characteristics to Leading Your Business to Success

Entrepreneur Mile Kappel. June 30, 2017

 People always want to know what makes a good leader. It’s normally because they’re trying to become a leader, or they’re trying to find a leader to work for their company.

Some people are naturally good leaders. Other people have the potential to be leaders if they’re willing to develop their leadership skills. But, you need to recognize that leadership is more than standing at the front of a room, having an office or getting people to do things for you.

Leading isn’t as easy as it looks. Leaders take on more work, more stress and more demands than meet the eye. But, if you have the characteristics of a leader, you are equipped to be successful.

To be clear, there isn’t an exact set of leadership traits someone must have. I’ve found that good leaders in my company, Patriot Software, have the characteristics below. I’m positive anyone who has these characteristics has the potential to be a good leader.

 1. Detailed

One attribute of a good leader is an attention to detail. Leaders must have accurate and thorough work performance. They must scour every inch of plans and finished products to make sure all bases are covered. Nothing should go untouched. Good leaders should spot little things that go unnoticed by others.

Good leaders must also think through all the details. They must think far out into the future and consider the impact of their decisions. Leaders must consider all the possible paths.

 2. Organized

The qualities of a good leader definitely include organization skills. They know what is on their plate and when things need to be done. They have a timeline and deadline for all their tasks. They also know what their workers are doing and what projects are coming up.

Leaders need some sort of organization system. They don’t let important papers lay around or make meetings without setting a reminder. Organized leaders know exactly what is going on around them and know where to find everything.

3. Knowledgeable

Knowledge is one of the most noticeable attributes of a good leader. Leaders should have a vast knowledge of the industry they are working in. And if they specialize in something, the leader should have deep knowledge in their specialization. Other people should go to leaders to ask for advice and opinions.

Leaders should also have a passion for continuously learning. Leaders should want to expand their knowledge and improve their skills.

 4. Leads by example

The ability to lead by example is yet another of the attributes of great leaders. Workers should look at a leader and know exactly what is expected of them. If a leader wants workers to put in extra time, the leader should put in extra time. If workers should communicate with each other in a certain way, the leader should lead by using that communication method.

A leader must always be aware of their actions because their workers will mimic them.

5. Servant’s heart

Not only should a leader lead, but they should also serve. Leaders need to take care of their workers. Leaders should ask their workers about their needs. A good leader should be attentive to worker happiness and motivation. They care about the people around them.

Leaders must also focus on customers. Customers have needs and desires, too. Leaders should find out what customers want to please and serve them.

6. Integrity

Integrity is a trait of good leaders. Leaders must be honest. They should never lie, cheat or steal. You should be able to trust a leader.

Leaders often are trusted with more important or sensitive tasks. Other workers must trust the leader to be truthful in their work and make the most honest decisions. The leader should have some transparency to let people know what they are doing. And the leader must be comfortable with being held accountable.

7. Give Time

Leaders are willing to give up their time for the good of their job and business. Leaders finish the job they’re doing, no matter what. If that means they take extra time to finish the job, they’ll do it.

Leaders are not clock watchers. They will put in more time than what’s expected. But putting in more time doesn’t mean leaders waste the standard work hours. Leaders use their time wisely and are focused. They organize their tasks to get the most work done in the time they have, and they’re always looking for ways to increase productivity at work.

8. Passion

Leaders have pride and ownership in their work. For leaders, their work is more than a job. Their work is their passion. Leaders love what they do and encourage others to become passionate about it, too.

Leaders are never satisfied with their work. They are constantly driven to improve. They are consumed and are constantly thinking about their work. And, leaders push others to get better at their work.



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10 Things You Must Do Before Quitting Your Job to Start Your Company https://gdinajpurbd.com/10-things-you-must-do-before-quitting-your-job-to-start-your-company/ Wed, 21 Jun 2017 13:11:26 +0000 https://gdinajpurbd.com/?p=637 10 Things You Must Do Before Quitting Your Job to Start Your Company  Entrepreneur, Dave Peck · Jun 18, 2017   So you’ve decided you’re ready to take the plunge, quit your job, and get your own company up and running. You have an amazing “>business idea you are ready to launch. You’re probably excited and nervous at the […]

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10 Things You Must Do Before Quitting Your Job to Start Your Company

 Entrepreneur, Dave Peck · Jun 18, 2017


So you’ve decided you’re ready to take the plunge, quit your job, and get your own company up and running. You have an amazing “>business idea you are ready to launch. You’re probably excited and nervous at the same time, which is perfectly understandable. If this is the case, you need to take a step back and remember that you simply can’t walk into work tomorrow with your resignation letter.

Being impulsive could be a huge mistake so you need to create a list of the advantages and disadvantages you will face when quitting your job. If you decide it’s still what you want to do, there are a few things you must put in place before you quit.

To help you get ready before your big day of freedom, I’ve highlighted 10 things you should do before quitting your job and starting your own company.


1. Do research.

Quitting your current job before getting your company off the ground may seem like the best option, but trust me, it’s not. The best way for you to get the wheels rolling in a safe and profitable way is to grow your business while you are still employed. This will make your transition from an employee to an entrepreneur a little smoother.

You can’t jump head first into building your new office block or warehouse if you haven’t done your research. You need to know that you have a product or service that you know the ins and outs of, that is unique, and above all, that will sell.

Background research you need to do includes, but is not limited to:

Learning everything about your product or service

Knowing your audience and buyer personas

Researching your competitors

Finding the right teams

Knowing what your most profitable sales and marketing channels will be.


2. Create a business plan.

Once you’ve done your research, you need to put it on paper. Laying out a business plan before taking the plunge will be a key success driver. Your business plan will be something you will show to potential investors, partners, and other company stakeholders. It typically includes:

An overview

An executive summary

A company description

Your objectives, vision, and mission statement

Information about the market and industry into which you are entering

The strategy you are going to follow to enter the market

The team you will have

A marketing plan

An operational plan

A financial plan

An appendix with more detailed information


3. Outline Your Funding Options

Before looking at funding for your company, you need to have your own personal finances in check. If you quit with just a couple of hundred dollars in your pocket, with rent, insurance, and your phone bill to pay, you may find it difficult to focus your efforts on your new company.

In addition to planning your personal finances, you will need to have a plan for your startup. You’ll typically have three options:

One or multiple investors

Your personal savings

A grant or award for your project

Either way, you need to plan in advance because if you can’t get the capital to get started, your business will stagnate and you will be faced with very few options.

Related: 4 Lessons Learned in Getting Bank Financing


4. Create the structure for your business.

You need to have the structure for your startup in place before you can quit your job, specifically, your legal structure. There are various types of businesses entities you could become:

A corporation

A limited liability company

A partnership

Sole proprietorship

You need to consider:

The operational complexity





Licenses, permits and regulations

5. Leverage your resources.

Of course, you do not want to spend money if you can avoid it. You need to look at the resources that are currently available to you. For example, you may have a friend who is a web developer; they might be able to give you special rates and work for you on a need-to-know basis.

You should contact friends who have started their own business and ask them if they know a good accountant, marketing expert, and so on. Think about joining an online book club to learn more about entrepreneurship, try Read with Entrepreneurs by Cynthia Johnson.

Lastly, contracting all your experts could become expensive. Consider investing in online education for your team that will teach them skills, such as SEO, email marketing, and much more.

6. Leave on a good note.

Quitting your job without working your notice period, gossiping across the office, not completing your final assignments, and not training your replacement could be the worst decision of your life.

Of course, you are leaving to start your own venture, but you cannot be sure that tt will be a success or that your old company won’t come in handy one day. Leave without burning any bridges amd you may be able to cash in a favor one day. Your old employer may even send clients your way knowing that you are a trustworthy businessperson.

Related: 7 Things You Must Do Before Quitting Your Job or You’re Screwed

7. Don’t forget the smaller planning details.

As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to become the type of person that can see the big picture. Unfortunately, if you don’t focus on the small details, you won’t be able to mold the perfect company. Planning is key, and little things such as choosing the right social media channels, keeping up to date with emails, or even remembering to file your taxes are vital to your success.

8. Choose your new office space.

When planning the day when you quit your job, many assume that they will work from home until their company is off the ground and they have a team backing them up. Although this could work in the short term, it’s not a feasible option in the long run.

If you choose to work from home, you need to find a balance between your personal space and work space. Working in bed, on your computer, all day, every day will lead you towards an unhealthy lifestyle that could have a domino effect on the progress your startup makes.

9. Create a portfolio

You may think that owning your own company means you’ll never have to create another resume in your life. Wrong! Bulking up your resume and/or portfolio is a key driver when building your new business because you will need to prove to your investors, teams, and even clients that you are worth their money.

Related: 9 Telltale Signs That It’s Time To Quit Your Job

10. Finally…

Remember that starting a new business is going to be more challenging than you imagined. You’re going to have to make the planning process your full-time job before you even see an income. That said, with the tips outlined above, you could make it the best, most profitable adventure you’ve ever embarked on from both a professional and emotional point of view.


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7 traits of successful leaders who break barriers to create opportunity https://gdinajpurbd.com/7-traits-of-successful-leaders-who-break-barriers-to-create-opportunity/ Sun, 04 Jun 2017 20:48:21 +0000 https://gdinajpurbd.com/?p=626 7 traits of successful leaders who break barriers to create opportunity MashableJason Abbruzzese · Jun 1, 2017 Not long ago, one of my employees referred to me as a “bulldozer.” It didn’t sound great at first, but after listening to his reasoning, it became clear that he meant it as a compliment. Whether you’re a CEO or […]

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7 traits of successful leaders who break barriers to create opportunity

MashableJason Abbruzzese · Jun 1, 2017

Not long ago, one of my employees referred to me as a “bulldozer.” It didn’t sound great at first, but after listening to his reasoning, it became clear that he meant it as a compliment. Whether you’re a CEO or a president, a business development officer or an employee at any level, you’re going to have to get past major barriers to accomplish goals and create opportunity for your company. And to get past those barriers, you need a bulldozer.

That said, it’s hard to encourage anyone to be a bulldozer because, simply put, it’s really hard to break through some barriers. It takes more than wearing a bulldozer badge to get yourself on the path to success; you’ve got to truly hone your skills to get past those hard-to-break-through barriers and build lasting trust.

As I’ve studied those in my network, as well as partners, employees, and fellow company leaders who have the ability to knock down trust barriers, I’ve discovered some common traits. Here are the seven characteristics of people who expertly destroy trust barriers:

1. They are confident in their abilities.

This might age me a bit, but I compare this characteristic to “The Dukes of Hazzard.” If Bo and Luke were constantly thinking they couldn’t make a big jump in their car, I’m certain they would have crashed a lot more. You have to believe you can make the big jump, too. Now, I don’t mean you should be naive about it. You’ve got to put in the work to build your skills before you can believe they’ll take you to the goal you want to achieve. Once you put in the work, have confidence in your abilities.

2. They don’t get embarrassed easily.

I don’t know whether it’s just me getting older, but I hardly ever feel embarrassed anymore. And when I look at other people who are able to build strong business relationships, create opportunity, and dominate their industries, they’re typically fine with a little bit of awkwardness or discomfort, too. You have to be able to put yourself out there without worrying about how you might look to others, and don’t let yourself become distracted by embarrassment or dwell on mistakes.

3. They value the relationship above all.
I’m sure you’ve known people who help you out and then immediately ask for something in return. I’ve run into my share of those contacts myself. But the people who get past my trust barriers (which are typically pretty strong) are the ones who help for the sake of being helpful. They value relationships and put the time into nurturing them; they’re not interested in short-term wins at the expense of a mutually helpful, long-term relationship.

4. They brand themselves and build credibility around their companies.

No matter how old you are or how far away from that middle school gymnasium you get, you can still feel like the kid picked last in dodgeball when your brand is weak and no one in your industry knows who you are. You’ll get passed up for opportunities the same way you got passed up for dodgeball.

In my experience, if you aren’t making the kinds of connections you’re looking for, it’s because no one knows you or why they should trust you. So invest in your own brand to build familiarity with your audience and influence in your industry — that’s how people break down trust barriers.

5. They don’t think what everybody else is thinking.

Part of the reason people put up barriers is to keep out unoriginal and disingenuous people who haven’t earned their trust. So if you want to get around those barriers, you can’t just do what everyone else is already doing; you’ve got to think creatively. One of my friends who runs a print magazine was having trouble getting a university official to respond to a simple email, and I told him to customize one issue toward that person next time to grab his attention. Not everybody has the ability to personalize an issue of a known publication. It completely differentiated him.

6. They take risks.

Some of the biggest opportunities often come as a result of the biggest risks. For example, a friend of mine flew across the country to GE’s office and waited six hours outside the office just to potentially get his foot in the door for a meeting. That kind of risk took guts, especially because the outcome wasn’t guaranteed to be successful. But he ended up getting his meeting. People who break barriers know that if you don’t take risks or put yourself out there, you’ll never know the full potential of what you’re capable of doing for yourself and your company.

7. They have strong support.

At a construction site, a bulldozer is just one part of the project. It still needs a crew of other machines to clean up and build on the site. Fortunately, I have a strong co-founder and a team with complementary operational strengths. Together, we’re able to push our company forward. Breaking through barriers isn’t the end result; it’s vital to create a support structure to help you accomplish your goals once you’ve cleared the path. Otherwise, you’re just creating a mess.

Do you exhibit any of these characteristics? Take a hard look at yourself and the way you approach your business, and be honest with yourself. Truly, these seven traits are what set successful leaders apart from those who stay trapped behind trust barriers.

John Hall is the CEO of Influence & Co., a keynote speaker, and the author of “Top of Mind.” 

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9 Speaking Habits That Make You Sound Smarter https://gdinajpurbd.com/9-speaking-habits-that-make-you-sound-smarter/ Tue, 28 Feb 2017 17:20:10 +0000 https://gdinajpurbd.com/?p=622 In today’s competitive business world, it’s not enough to be smart. You must be able to sway others to agree with you.  By Geoffrey James    There are four kinds of speakers in the business world: The incoherent, who meander, use tons of jargon, and talk of things interesting mostly to themselves. The coherent, who can verbally communicate facts […]

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In today’s competitive business world, it’s not enough to be smart. You must be able to sway others to agree with you.

 By Geoffrey James


 There are four kinds of speakers in the business world:

  1. The incoherent, who meander, use tons of jargon, and talk of things interesting mostly to themselves.
    1. The coherent, who can verbally communicate facts and opinions but seldom say anything memorable.
    2. The articulate, who speak succinctly and clearly but whose words are seldom persuasive.
    3. The eloquent, who use language and body language to win the hearts and minds of their listeners.

Eloquent people sound smart, regardless of how intelligent they are. The opposite is true as well. Smart people who are incoherent (like some engineers I’ve known) often come off as if they’re of limited intelligence.

Fortunately, eloquence is a skill that can be taught, practiced, and mastered. Here are nine easily mastered techniques to quickly make yourself more eloquent and smarter sounding.

1. Stand or sit with spine straight but relaxed.

Eloquence is more than just how you use language. It’s also how you use your body language. The position of your back is the foundation of your body language and therefore the root of your eloquence.

Slumping communicates a lack of confidence in yourself and your words. The other extreme, a ramrod straight back, says “fight or flight.” A straight but relaxed spine puts you in a mental and physical state from which words flow smoothly and easily.

2. Keep your chin up.

The position of your head is just as important as the position of your spine, a fact reflected in many common expressions. To “hold your head high,” for example, is to show pride and determination. To be “downcast” means you’re already beaten down.

An upright head is essential for eloquence for physiological reasons as well. A tense neck (inevitable if your head is facing down) tends to strangle your words, preventing you from speaking clearly.

3. Focus on your listeners.

Eloquence is meaningful only if people are listening to you, and they won’t listen if you’re thinking about something else or if your eyes are wandering all over the room. Eloquence without attention is mere speechifying.

Two special cases: Avoid glancing sideways; it makes you seem dishonest (shifty-eyed). If you must check your notes, use your eyes to look downward without nodding your head.

4. Speak loudly enough to be heard.

For maximum eloquence, speak loudly enough so people farthest from you can hear but not so loudly that it’s uncomfortable for those in front.

If you’re unsure of your volume, ask somebody in the back if they can hear you clearly. If they answer  yes, say “How about this?” in a voice slightly less loud. If they answer no, crank your voice up a notch.

However, never raise your voice to a yell. Yelling makes you sound insane rather than eloquent. If you find yourself in that position, either ask for a microphone or request that people move closer.

5. Buttress words with appropriate gestures.

Use your hands to emphasize key points. The easy way to learn this skill is to watch how celebrities and popular public speakers use gestures as they speak. Note how their hand movements seem to “emerge” from their words.

If you’re not actively using a gesture, keep your hands still. Fiddling with your glasses, rattling your papers, scratching yourself, and so forth will distract the audience from your message and “cancel out” your eloquence.

6. Strategically position your body.

Add power to your words by moving your body appropriately. For example, if you’re speaking to a group from a stage, you might move from one spot to another to signal that you’re introducing a new idea.

Similarly, when sitting at the conference table, incline forward slightly when you want to emphasize a point. Reorient your sitting position when you move from one subject or concept to another.

7. Use vivid words that everyone understands.

Cliches (especially biz-blab) are the opposite of eloquence. Use unexpected but common words or phrases that illustrate points in a memorable manner. Example: “common as houseflies” rather than “dime a dozen.”

Also avoid words that your audience might not understand. Using fancy words makes you sound snobby, not smart. If you absolutely must introduce a term unfamiliar to the audience, define it in plain language.

8. Speak at different speeds.

Speaking at a single speed quickly turns whatever you’re saying into a monotonous drone. Instead, slow down and speed up depending upon the importance of what you’re communicating at the time.

If you’re summarizing or going over background, speak more quickly than when you’re providing new information. When you’re describing introducing an important concept, slow down to give listeners time to absorb it.

9. Use pauses to create emphasis.

Silence isn’t just golden; it’s also the crowning glory of eloquence. For example, a slight pause before you’re about to say something important create suspense. It leads your audience to “hang on your every word.”

Similarly, a pause after you’ve said something important emphasizes its importance and gives listeners a moment to reflect on its importance. A perfect example of the eloquence that comes with pausing is Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.


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Developing Everyday Leadership https://gdinajpurbd.com/developing-everyday-leadership/ Sun, 12 Feb 2017 13:20:17 +0000 https://gdinajpurbd.com/?p=619 Developing Everyday Leadership Seeds of greatness exist within each of us. January 5, 2009 Your growth as a leader starts right now, wherever you are at this very moment. You don’t have to be president of a billion-dollar company to be a leader. You can begin with your present relationships, your family and friends, your […]

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Developing Everyday Leadership

Seeds of greatness exist within each of us.

January 5, 2009

Your growth as a leader starts right now, wherever you are at this very moment. You don’t have to be president of a billion-dollar company to be a leader. You can begin with your present relationships, your family and friends, your community associations, your school or your place of work. Developing your leadership skills can prepare you for larger challenges in the future.

If I were to ask you to think of leaders you admired and those who had an influence on your life, who would come to mind? How about your parents or a particular teacher or coach who had a significant influence on you? Or maybe a mentor at work?

For most of us, leadership is a day-today matter of how we strive to do our best, as well as how we get others to do their very best. Leadership involves our responsibilities at work, in the community, at church or in our families.

Great leaders are often all around us. Very often, it is people closest to us who are doing great deeds with little means. The seeds of greatness exist in any of us who strive to lead, even in the most modest undertakings.

It’s quite possible that, until now, you haven’t really considered yourself a leader of any kind. Whether or not that’s so, you may be surprised to learn just how many ways you, indeed, are a leader, especially to those closest to you. You could be a leader to a group or maybe only one or two people. It could be in your work, in a special interest you have or perhaps the quality of a relationship you have with someone, such as your children or loved ones.

There are people around you looking up to you, believing in you as a role model and as a leader. Believe me when I say you are already a leader in ways you may not be fully aware. Never underestimate the influence you have on the lives of others.

“The ability we have to make our world better starts with how we live our life.”

Let me assure you that this is the very moment you have vast power to help shape the lives of others, especially if you choose to lead by example. Never forget this: At least once every day, try to ask yourself whether your life is setting a good example for others to follow. This is part of the contribution you can make to change others’ lives for the better. The ability we have to make our world better starts with how we live our life and the example we set for others. Think about how your vision of the future may be pointing the way for others. Think about people for whom you might be a role model and in what ways you are setting examples for them.

To expand your abilities as a leader, become the kind of person others want to follow. You must demonstrate the leadership qualities others are attracted to and are likely to emulate. Leaders must be able to communicate their visions of the future to other people.

You don’t have to be a spellbinding orator to be a good leader, but you must be able to express your thoughts clearly, in an orderly way, and to speak forcefully enough that your listeners understand you mean what you say.

Developing the efficiency of good listening habits will not only help you hear more, but will help you understand more completely the information conveyed to you. Nothing will enhance your reputation as a leader more than being willing to listen. Remember that listening, not imitation, is really the sincerest form of flattery.

I have developed a list of several other attributes identified in good leaders that I want to pass along to you. As you read each one, consider which ones already apply to you and those you’d like to apply:


Accepts responsibility and takes it seriously. Seeks out and listens to others, but makes up his or her own mind. Wants to leave the world better than he or she finds it. Has a genuine interest in others: their joys, sorrows, hopes, hurts, needs and fears. Learns from the past, but focuses on the future. Aims to be of service to others. Expects the best from others, as from him or herself. Learns from role models, but knows who he or she is. Knows the power of yes and no and when to say so. Knows how to set goals and pursue them. Is dedicated to his or her work and achieving goals. Is not deterred by detractors or naysayers. Admits errors, accepts failures, learns from them and moves on. Is not always right, but is right more than wrong. Imparts the moral tone to his or her enterprise. Is honest and strives to be fair. Is enthusiastic and optimistic about succeeding. Motivates others with trust and belief in them.

The demand for leaders is always greater than the supply, because most would rather be led than lead. So opportunities are always close at hand. Great leaders are motivated by purposes larger than self-interest.

Finally, remember that leaders prepare others to assume their roles. They want their vision to be sustained. Someone once commented to Walt Disney’s nephew, Roy, that it was a shame his uncle didn’t live long enough to see all that he started. Roy Disney replied, “Sir, my uncle was the first to see all of this. We are just building the vision he had years ago.”

S Robert Stuberg is an entrepreneur, speaker, consultant and best-selling author of many books, including The 12 Life Secrets, Creating Your Ultimate Destiny and Sell and Grow Rich. Stuberg specializes in helping people find and apply their unique talent—the one thing that they are meant to do. – See more at:



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